I hear that people back home have been asking about me and praying daily. What a blessing this is! Life here is good. I am really having a great time. Let me tell you about the school and teaching... On my first day I introduced myself to the P3class at Mengo Primary School. There are about 150 of them. They are divided into 2 classes, east and west. After I introduced myself and answered all the questions about life in America. The teacher taught a lesson on fruits. (Pretty much fruits have juice.) It was time for break and all the teachers go to their breakroom. I traveled there and met Julia there, On this particular day there was a teacher meeting and things got OUT OF CONTROL! I still do not know what it was all about but money was involved. Julia and I left and sat outside the classroom building. After a few minutes one of my students came out saying "teacher, please come. they are yelling and fighting." I went. She was not exaggerating in the least. I tried to quiet them down and then worked with small groups of students asking what they were to be working on. But they said that they were finished. At this point I decided to play hangman with fruits as the category followed by guess which animal I am with yes and no questions. While playing these games the head girl of the school came in and was beating my students with sticks. Good times... That was my only time in front of the class so far and I think I will get some direction today. Otherwise I am happy grading workbooks in the back of the classroom.
Life at BULA: THings are good at the home. The 2 other girls from Ireland have arrived and are so sweet. It's nice to have a group of girls to travel to town with and chat at home when the kids are at school. On Saturday, the 4 of us went to the slums of Kisenyi to visit the children and some friends of mine. We then did the Mzungu thing and went to Garden City (a mall here). We walked around there and grabbed some lunch. When we got home the children were all upset and we think it was because we left for the afternoon.
I shall be getting ready for school now. After school the four of us are going to town to meet 2 friends for lunch (paddy and moses, for those of you who know them) and then we will be meeting up with a group of friends and going to the National Theater for the monday night music thing. We will be spending the night at a friends and then who knows what Tuesday holds.... Maybe I will let you know next time.
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