Sunday, September 25, 2011

The business meeting...

So many things to share and yet I'd have to write a novel to share it all. I had an entire entry written up last week to share here, but so much has happened since then. So just to catch everyone up on my life here (those of you not on facebook...that's you Willow Valley folks!!) Julia had to fly home last Tuesday morning for surgery. She has been having horrible cramps/pains and finally got the diagnosis that she had to have her gall bladder removed. So now it's just me. I am sure that there are going to be moments when it takes all that I have not to go to the internet cafe to look up plane tickets to come home, but for now I am fine.
So tuesday through Fridaay I lived the village life with my friend James. His aunt died from cancer (please pray for the 2 young children that she left behind.) and James' sister and her husband traveled to the burial. So James and I stayed at their place to care for their children. It was a great few days and it definitely kept me busy. One day while 2 of the kids were at school James and I watched Crash followed by Drop Dead Gorgeous. His choices. Could the day have gotten any better?!
On Saturday morning I ran around Ntinda town in the pouring down rain trying to find an atm that would spit some money out at me. Good times... That afternoon I had thoughts about what am I really doing here. Sometimes I feel like I am just here living my life, hanging out. That was not MY plan. That morning I was supposed to go tot the slums of Kisenyi and do a children's program, but it was canceled due to the rain. It seems that everything I get excited about with kids something happens that I can't go. Anyways, James asked me if I wanted to go to a business meeting with him that evening. Originally when he asked I left it up in the air if I was going. But when the time came to go the power at home was out and I would have been home alone. (nothing like going to bed at 7 when it gets dark!). So I opted to go the business meeting. It started out as a typical evening (for Uganda) waiting an hour for the business man to arrive (we were an hour late ourselves). James' uncle introduced James to this business guy. The business man's wife stays in Kabale, where James' family stays.  Then he wasn't satisfied with the place we chose so we boarded a taxi and went 5 minutes down the street (apparently the 'rich' here can't walk!) We went to some nice hotel, ordered dinner, but then the man got pissed cause the prices in the menu changed (typical in Uganda) and they did not have fish and chips on the menu. they were both sold ala carte but of course he wanted on one plate and he should not have to pay for two ala carte things cause the price includes 2 plates to clean, more service, etc. Hilarious!! So we left there too. We found some random young adult guy on the road just chatting with his friends and the business guy asked him where a place to eat was. This young man showed us the way and then was invited to join us. So we all began chatting. The business man shared that he pays many kids school fees and offered this young guy the opportunity to go back and finish school.  The business man paid and then told us that we were all going back to his house. When we arrived we all sat in the living room watching music videos on tv (i wish you could all experience this...Uganda music videos). The man called James out to another room leaving me and the young adult guy in the room. The business man was apparently making beds cause we were all now spending the night. I thought this was weird, but I am in Uganda. Well James came out with a look on his face of fear and told me to pretend I was on the phone and to tell the business man that I had to go that a friend had an emergency. The tone in his voice was one of those where you don't ask questions and just obey. Thoughts were running through my mind...what happened back there?! I assumed this guy wanted to sleep with me and offered James money to do so. I was freaked out!! So both the guys escorted James and I out. It took a long time to get bodas and probably felt longer cause I had no idea what was going on. When we got on the boda james was talking to the driver. He was getting all emotional. I had no idea what he was saying. Finally he told me. The 'business' man was gay. He apparently was trying to get all over James and kissed him.
James was so upset, obviously. He couldn't stop thanking me for coming along and saving him. I have not stopped praying for the young man. I wonder if the business man pays school fees in exchange for sex. James has been talking to everyone to find a way to stop this guy. Please pray that we are able to stop him in a manner that is safe for us and everyone involved. Once again, not MY program and not a normal story. But it happened here in Uganda.

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