Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The First week in Uganda,,,

What a great week that it has been!! I love this country, the people, and the culture. Upon arrival at the airport all our luggage was there and a van full of children and uncles who stay here at BULA. This week has been spent getting to know the children who stay here and the schedule of the home. It really is up to us what we want to do which is nice, but overwelming. The children awake at 4:30am to study, clean, and get off to school. They get home after 5 and play for a little and wash. Dinner is around 7 and then we do homework together around the table. Lights out and silence at 10:15 and then we do it all over again. Tomorrow is a big day! We start teaching in the local primary school that the children here go to. Will be teaching math and english to children in 1st through 3rd grade. Will be an exciting challenge as those children do not speak much english yet. Which I guess will be my job. Two other volunteers are to arrive tomorrow as well so Julia and I spent the day cleaning and repacking our things. There really is not a lot of space in our room. So this should be cute...


  1. Aww sounds like you ar having a great time! Teaching will be so much fun for you!!

  2. Praying for you and your work there! Take LOTS of pictures!
